The Basic :
Example of a configuration in one script :
import jinja2
dict_variables = {‘key’: ‘value’, etc…}
template_cfg = ”’
config…{{ .key }}
config…{{ .key }}
config….{{ .key }}
template = jinja2.Template(template_cfg)
To access :
a key :
{{ dict_name.key }}
Key, Value :
{{ dict_name.items }}
Decoupling the jinja2 template from the python script :
import jinja2
dict_vars = {‘peer1_ip’: ‘’, ‘peer1_as’: ’40’}
#template_file = ‘template.j2’
with open(‘template.j2’) as f:
….bgp_template =
t = jinja2.Template(bgp_template)
Adding conditional in template :
Python Script :
import jinja2
network_routes = [‘’, ‘’, ‘’]
bgp_dict = {‘peer1_ip’: ‘’, ‘peer1_as’: ’20’,’network_routes’: network_routes,’local_as’: ’30’,
‘ipv6_enable’: True, ‘peer1_ipv6’: ‘2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334’}
#template_file = ‘template.j2’
with open(‘template_conditional.j2’) as f:
bgp_template =
t = jinja2.Template(bgp_template)
Template Jinja2 :
feature bgp
router {{ local_as }}
address-family ipv4 unicast
{%- for route in network_routes %}
network {{ route }}
{%- endfor %}
neighbor {{ peer1_ip }} remote-as {{ peer1_as }}
update-source lo0
ebgp-multihop 2
{%- if ipv6_enable %}
address-family ipv6 unicast
neighbor {{ peer1_ipv6 }}
{% endif %}
Using a for Loop the jinja2 template from the python script for repetitive commands ( example bgp network command ):
Python script :
import jinja2
network_routes = [‘’, ‘’, ‘’]
bgp_dict = {‘peer1_ip’: ‘’, ‘peer1_as’: ’20’,’network_routes’: network_routes,’local_as’: ’30’}
#template_file = ‘template.j2’
with open(‘template_loop.j2’) as f:
….bgp_template =
t = jinja2.Template(bgp_template)
template_loop.j2 ( the ‘ – ‘ after the % is to remove the added line done each time its looping )
feature bgp
router {{ local_as }}
….address-family ipv4 unicast
……..{%- for route in network_routes%}
…… {{ route }}
……..{%- endfor %}
….neighbor {{ peer1_ip }} remote-as {{ peer1_as }}
……..update-source lo0
…….ebgp-multihop 2
…….address-family ipv4 unicast
Using Nested Loop the jinja2 template :
Python Script :
import Jinja2
Dict_var = {
“routers”: {
‘rtr1’: ‘’,
‘rtr2’: ‘’,
‘rtr3’: ‘’,
“switches”: {
‘sw1’: ‘’,
‘sw2’: ‘’,
‘sw3’: ‘’,
Jinja2 Template :
template = ”’
{%- for router_var, ip_addr_var in routers.items() %}
Router : {{ router_var }} IP : {{ ipadrr_var }}
….{%- for sw_var, ip_addr2_var in switches.items() %}
….Switches : {{ sw_var }} IP : {{ ip_addr2_var }}
….{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
Reference :