Python “to be define”

Example 1 of how to simplify a code :

vars = [1,2,3]
result = [num * 2]

for var in vars:
    result.append(num * 2)

It can be simplify by :

result = [num * 2 for var in vars]

Example 2 of how to simplify a code :

vars= ["patrick","bob","erick","sonia","bruce","laurent",]
result = []

for each_element in vars:
    if vars.startwith("s"):

It can be simplify by :

result = [vars for each_element in vars if vars.startwith("s")]

Example 3 of how to simplify a code :

def func1():
name = "patrick"
    if name == "patrick":
        return name

It can be simplify by :

return name, name == "patrick"

Example 4 of how to simplify a code :

def func1(x):
    return x * 2

list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
for each_element in list1:
    result = func1(each_element)
It can be simplify by :

result2 = [func1(each_element) for each_element in list1]

or even :

result3 = map(list[func1, list1)) 

or you could make a lambda instead of that function :

result3 = map(list(lambda x:x * 2, list1))

Example 5 of how to simplify a code :
users = {"bob": "password","mary": "botcat", "rich": "marchs", "sunny": "wheel"}

for item in users.items():

It can be simplify by :

username_mapping = {value[0]: value for value in users}


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