Patrick Denis > 2020 > August
Monthly Archive: August 2020
August 24, 2020
So in the following example we import template from jinja2 and then we define our template : text1 and bgp_config, Then we use the variable j2_template = and we call the template that we want : in this example config1….
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August 24, 2020
Variables : var: {{ variable_name_here }} Conditionals : ( you can have nested conditional too in your template ) {% if var ==’value’ %} text here {% elif var ==’other value’ %} text here {% else %} text here {%…
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August 11, 2020 <— is a online regex builder ! you can copy your output and then build your expression has done an excellent/exceptional work and i did copy the content here for me for fast search, but all credit goes…
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August 11, 2020
Took me a moment to understand 😉 but the Start is how you define where to start from the output fields and then you specified the possible value ( variable ) of each header to create the table to be…
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August 9, 2020
Template should look like this : #Definition Value VARIABLE (regular expression pattern) Value VARIABLE (regular expression pattern) Value VARIABLE (regular expression pattern) #TxtFSM Start Start ….Regex Expression for what you are looking for : ^Device.*ID -> LLDP LLDP ….^${VARIABLE}.* ->…
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August 9, 2020
When calling for library there is different way of doing this . import re Then you need to specify the to be able to use the search function. from re import search Then no need to use the…
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August 4, 2020
This is the methods available for CiscoConfParse : find_all_children(linespec, exactmatch=False, ignore_ws=False) Returns the parents matching the linespec, and all their children. This method is different than find_children(), because find_all_children() finds children of children. find_children() only finds immediate children. Parameters linespecstr Text regular expression for the line to…
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August 4, 2020
CiscoConfParse is a library for Cisco device. : pip install ciscoconfparse Example : from ciscoconfparse import ciscoconfparse Cisco_obj = CiscoConfParse(“show_run.txt”) print(Cisco_obj) <—- this will return all the information about that object If using Netmiko to pull information from any device into a…
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August 4, 2020
JSON is usually use when doing computer to computer communication and network devices API’s. YAML is usually most easier to read for humans , common use in Ansible.
August 4, 2020
This is going to be a example how to create a new dictionary out of an output : 1st the dictionary that we are going to change with only specific items with different key names : from pprint import pprint…
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