Python Packaging

Packaging In Python, the term packaging refers to putting modules you have written in a standard format, so that other programmers can install and use them with ease. This involves use of the modules setuptools and distutils. The first step in packaging is to organize…
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TextFSM Structure

Template should look like this : #Definition Value VARIABLE (regular expression pattern) Value VARIABLE (regular expression pattern) Value VARIABLE (regular expression pattern) #TxtFSM Start Start ….Regex Expression for what you are looking for : ^Device.*ID -> LLDP LLDP ….^${VARIABLE}.* ->…
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When calling for library there is different way of doing this . import re Then you need to specify the to be able to use the search function. from re import search Then no need to use the…
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CiscoConfParse Methods

This is the methods available for CiscoConfParse : find_all_children(linespec, exactmatch=False, ignore_ws=False) Returns the parents matching the linespec, and all their children. This method is different than find_children(), because find_all_children() finds children of children. find_children() only finds immediate children. Parameters linespecstr Text regular expression for the line to…
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