This post is about what i have encounter and some debate around thy is subject. Some say that vlan1 should be use and some say that it should not.
On part my part and point of view of my little experience 😉 i would say that it shouldn’t be use.
Why, That’s why :
For my point a view the VLAN1 as per Cisco recommendation shouldnt never be use as your Native Vlan, and if you dont configure your Native vlan
it will use Vlan1 per default on your trunk ports.
Management and Native Vlans should always use their own vlan ( not vlan 1 ).
Now let me explain the best i can and if you have anything you would like to add dont hesitate to email me and i will add it.
thank you in advance.
Switches use Protocols that operate between switches like ( STP VTP CDP ) use Vlan and other Protocols operate on Native Vlan like ( LOOP DTP MSTP ).
So now imagine your network having anykind of congestion since everything goes through your trunks. When its start dropping packets now i think you understand where am going. These protocolsare essential to your network
loop dtp mstp
Vlan hopping.