EIGRP Path Selection

Reminder :

For a path to become an Feasible Successor the FD must be less or equal then the AD x Variance ( 1 by default )

Commands usefull for understanding and managing Path Selection

Show ip route
Show ip eigrp topology
Show ip eigrp topology ( destination network address with mask )
Show ip eigrp topology all-inks

To set a new path selection EIGRP use 4 differente metric calculation :

It is best practice to change only the Delay to influence the path wanted .
EIGRP will not for an adjacencie if the neighbor router doesnt have the same K-values.
You have to be very carefull with adjusting K-values because they could influence in a bad way your path .
It is best practice to change the metric on or closest device for which you want influence the route.

Find the route you want to influence , run the command : show ip eigrp topology ( destination network address with mask ) to see the metric information .
Then on the interface with the route is currently using set the Delay command :  Delay ( delay # )
To calcul the delay is pretty straight forward …. X milliseconds is convert to 10 microseconds . Formula is X (1000 / 10 ) = X microseconds
Verify your configuration : show ip eigrp topology ( destination network address with mask ) to see the metric information .
Then Show ip eigrp topology to make sure that the new path selection as been taken .

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